Which Caroline Girvan Workouts are Best for Weight Loss?

Caroline Girvan is one of the most legit, no-nonsense trainers on YouTube.  The fact that her workouts are free & available to pretty much anyone with an internet connection is pretty incredible.  Her programs allow you to go on a fitness journey, where you can both see & feel yourself getting stronger.  But which Caroline Girvan workouts are best for weight loss, specifically?  As the majority of her workouts focus on strength-training, I’ve sorted through her programs to find the videos that focus more on cardio & high-intensity interval training ~ which is ideal for shedding pounds!

Which Caroline Girvan Workouts are Best for Weight Loss? Girl Who Travels the World

When Caroline says “Heat,” she means: HIIT! Aka high-intensity training. Photo: Caroline Girvan.

GWTW Tip: Though many of Caroline’s workouts (like the Iron Series, which I love) focus on strength training: an easy way to add more cardio is to jump rope in between sets ~ because she always gives 30-second breaks between sets. If you do cardio instead of resting, that’s a quick & easy way to jack up the heart rate! 


What You Need:

Set of Weights

Thick Yoga Mat

Yoga Blocks

Top Caroline Girvan Workouts for Weight Loss

1. Caroline’s “24 Days of Christmas” Program = What Makes This Good for Weight Loss?  These are some of her shortest workouts: but OH ~ do they pack a punch!  A series of 20-25 minute workouts: she includes one cardio day per week (in addition to strength training), which makes this program a better fit for weight loss.

Note: The “Cardio Days” here are very challenging.  If they’re too difficult at first, don’t get discouraged.  Go at your own pace ~ don’t try to match hers!

2. Caroline’s “Epic Heat Series” = What Makes This Good for Weight Loss?  Again, Heat = HIIT (high-intensity interval training).   Any Caroline program that says “Heat,” means there will be more cardio in it.  And the “Epic Heat” program is a great blend of both strength & cardio moves ~ combined in the same workout. 

Which makes this probably her best overall program for getting leaner & stronger.

Epic Heat Schedule, Which Caroline Girvan Workouts are Best for Weight Loss? Girl Who Travels the World

The “Epic Heat” schedule: you can see that her “Cardio” days are on Sundays ~ but you can always switch that up (I prefer Mondays). Photo: Caroline Girvan.


Caroline’s “24 Days of Christmas” Workouts

  • 20-minute workouts
  • Do you need weights? Yes. 
  • Does she give you breaks?  Yes, there are always breaks taken between sets of weight lifting.
  • Cardio included? Yes, typically 1 day/week. These workouts are harder, & you may need to modify moves until you get stronger.
  • How Many Videos are in this Series? 24.


The “Epic Heat” Series

  • 35-40 minute workouts
  • Do you need weights? Yes. 
  • Does she give you breaks?  Yes.
  • Cardio included? YES!! Heat = HIIT in Caroline’s world: so any of her workouts that say “Heat” mean there’s more cardio.
  • How Many Videos are in this Series? 50.


Caroline Girvan Low-Impact Cardio

The above workouts are from two of Caroline’s longer programs.  But sometimes, you just need a stand-alone cardio video.  And for those of us who don’t necessarily want to jump (or do burpees!!), I’m including two of Caroline’s low-impact cardio workouts below. 

But don’t be fooled: low-impact does NOT mean easy!!  These workouts are still “Caroline hard,” while taking it easier on your joints.

I just did the above workout; it’s one of my new favorites!!  No equipment is needed, & I was a sweaty fool by the end: it’s VERY challenging, with a great mix of moves.



Best Caroline Girvan Workouts for Weight Loss

The main reason I love Caroline’s workouts so much: when I finish them, I feel like I can take on the world!  She’s the epitome of a “CAN-DO” spirit, & her workouts pass on that infectious energy, sooo…

Go Get ‘Em!!

xoxo Noelia

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