What is the Easiest She Shed Foundation?
2022 is undoubtedly the year of the “She Shed!” I’ve already written about how to choose your shed flooring, & given a whole lot of ideas for decorating it ~ but now that I’ve actually installed my own shed last week (via Tuff Shed!), I’ll post a few more practical articles, that answer questions like: “What is the Easiest She Shed Foundation to Use?” If you’re having Tuff Shed or any other company come out to install your shed, they’ll ask you to create a level base for them. After asking around, I figured out how to do this in the quickest, cheapest way possible! Read on to find out how….
Find a very close-replica of this “She Shed” here…
A Look at My She Shed Foundation…
So the cheapest, easiest foundation you’ll find for your She Shed is to simply level out your ground with 3/4 minus crushed gravel ~ see the photos below. This was recommended by my Tuff Shed representatives, specialists at Home Depot, & my landscapers. The gravel only cost about $200 total (approx. $50/yard), but because the ground where I wanted my shed wasn’t level at all: it took about 20 hours for my landscapers to complete the project. So the labor cost WAY more than the material, & the total price came out to $1,400….which was definitely more than I was expecting to pay.
If you DIY the gravel part, you will save a TON of money: I just wasn’t confident in my ability to get it perfectly level!
Compared to other options, though: crushed gravel is a steal. If I had a wood platform built for the shed, the price would go up exponentially, as wood is extremely expensive right now. And pouring a concrete pad 100 feet back in a yard already filled in with landscape would be a pain in the butt. Perhaps these options might work better in your yard: you need to assess what makes the most sense both time & cost-wise.
GWTW Tip: If you’re having your foundation built, consider using a construction crew vs. landscapers. My landscapers completed the foundation above, & one BIG problem with it: it’s not perfectly square. The Tuff Shed crew realized this as soon as they came out; the measurements didn’t line up. What does this mean? They had to install my shed on an angle to the foundation. Because the shed is so far from my house, this isn’t the end of the world, & I’ll eventually hide the foundation with plants, etc. However, if your shed is close to your home & very visible: consider having pros tackle the foundation, as they tend to be better at getting dimensions perfect.
Do You Need a Wood Casing?
Do you need a wood casing to surround your crushed gravel? If your ground is fairly level to begin with, like in the photo below, than the answer is probably “no” ~ you can simply lay a bit of gravel on the ground & have the shed placed right on top.
GWTW Tip: If ARE using a wood casing, note that it will likely raise your foundation by several inches to a foot (in more dramatic leveling situations). When the Tuff Shed gets placed on top, it too will raise the overall height of the shed; mine ended up being about 6 inches taller than I had planned. As my shed blocks other houses, this was fine; but be careful that you don’t block your own views with the increased shed height.
What is the Easiest She Shed Foundation?
Next up, I’ll be writing about She Shed doors ~ mine have yet to be installed (French doors here we come…)! For further home & garden inspiration, check out Joanna Gaines’ spectacular garden room, or how to use indoor plants to beautify your home.
xoxo Noelia
Read Next: How to Create a French Country Garden