The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life…
What really happened during the last months of Marilyn Monroe’s life? That’s the question I’ve been attempting to answer, as part of a 4-part series; this is Part 2. If you haven’t read Part 1, go back & read it now ~ “What Really Happened to Marilyn Monroe: Suicide or Murder?” All these posts were inspired by the book: “The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe,” which left me wondering HOW on earth the public could have been so deceived about what really happened to this Hollywood star.
I wanted to see, in a clear, timeline format ~ what was happening in the years & months prior to her death, particularly with the people surrounding her (many of whom were present on the night of her death). The last post left off in May 1962, with JFK’s 45th birthday celebration, & Marilyn’s iconic performance. Our timeline picks up right after that night, taking us right up to the eve of her death, as we re-trace the last months of Marilyn Monroe’s life…

During the last months of Marilyn Monroe’s life, she was filming the movie “Something’s Got to Give,” with Dean Martin & Director George Cukor (pictured).
The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life..
Sunday, May 20th, 1962 = Marilyn arrives back in Los Angeles to a crush of crowds & reporters; her “Happy Birthday” has been all over the news, & if she wasn’t already the most famous woman in the world: this seems to solidify it.

After Marilyn’s “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” performance at Madison Square Garden for JFK, her fame grows ever larger: she is one of the most recognized women on the planet.
Monday, May 21st, 1962 = Marilyn returns to work on “Something’s Got to Give” at 6:15AM, aided by amphetamines. She doesn’t feel well (either does Dean Martin), but works anyway.
Wednesday, May 23rd, 1962 = The now-infamous “pool scene” occurs on the lot, & it’s one of the last times Marilyn will be captured on film. It’s a playful scene, & numerous images of her are captured, in the nude, playfully cavorting in the pool. When word of the scene gets out, a near-stampede is created, as actors & crew from nearby sets try to sneak in. She’s in the water for four hours, with director George Cukor filming, & photographer Billy Woodfield capturing stills. He later ended up selling the shots for over $150,000 ~ more than Monroe’s salary on the film.

One of the last times she was caught on film, while shooting “Something’s Got to Give.”
The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Thursday, May 24th, 1962 = J. Edgar Hoover schedules another meeting with JFK (following his birthday celebration). No one knows exactly what was said, but following the meeting, JFK tells the Oval Office switchboard to refuse all calls from Marilyn; the private line he’d given her is disconnected. Kennedy also calls Judith Cambell Exner, another mistress, telling her that their relationship needs to end immediately. But JFK doesn’t want to tell Monroe himself ~ so he convinces brother-in-law Peter Lawford to break the news to her.

Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, meeting with JFK & Attorney General, Bobby Kennedy. They were not political allies.
Saturday, May 26th, 1962 = Peter Lawford calls Marilyn from Hyannisport, at the “Kennedy Compound” (according to Patricia Seaton Lawford). He says that she’ll never be able to contact JFK again. She’ll never be First Lady, & she wasn’t even a serious affair. Worried about potential fallout & Marilyn’s hysteria, Pat Newcomb is elected to “move in” with Marilyn that weekend; she brings sedatives with her. Newcomb allegedly slept at the foot of Marilyn’s bed that weekend, according to handyman Norman Jeffries. “[Marilyn] seemed to be a prisoner in her own bedroom,” he said.
Monday, May 28th, 1962 = Marilyn arrives on set, extremely upset. One of her fellow actors, Tom Tryon, said of her, “From the moment she came on set, she looked like a piece of fine crystal about to shatter.” George Cukor agreed: “I’ve never seen her like this. She looks like she’s falling apart.”
May 29-June 1st, 1962 = Marilyn works for 9 days straight, with renewed focus & dedication.
June 1st, 1962 = It’s Marilyn’s birthday. She turns 36, & her co-workers give her a small celebration on set. That night, she has an appearance at Dodger Stadium for the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation. After being outside for several hours in unseasonably cold weather, Monroe drives home & is hit with blinding pain, & the return of her chronic sinus condition.

Marilyn celebrating her 36th birthday, on the set of “Something’s Got to Give.”
Monday, June 4th, 1962 = Monroe is unable to return to set, & has spent the weekend trying to reach Jack Kennedy ~ with no success. She tells several friends about this, & is very disturbed by it.
Wednesday, June 6th, 1962 = After being contacted by disgruntled studio heads, Dr. Greenson finally returns home from Europe, guaranteeing that he’ll get Marilyn back to set by Monday. (Side Note: Greenson seems to have been overly confident in his ability to “control” Marilyn.) He goes directly to Monroe’s home upon returning from Europe, & spends two hours with her. He also confers with her physician, Dr. Engelberg, & they agree that she’s strong enough to return to set.
Friday, June 8th, 1962 = Unbeknownst to Greenson, Fox had already filed papers to dismiss Monroe from “Something’s Got to Give.” They also filed a damage suit against her for $1 million (essentially for her repetitive tardiness & frequent absences). Greenson goes to her immediately, finds her upset, & gives her a tranquilizer shot to calm her down. Meanwhile, Fox takes things a step further, by deliberately crafting a campaign against Monroe in the press: they call her “mentally ill.” The studio, it seemed, was trying to destroy their own star.

One of Marilyn’s final shoots, for Vogue Magazine, in July 1962. Photo by Bert Stern. Of this session, Stern said: “Marilyn had the power. She was the light, & the goddess, & the moon ~ the space & the dream, the mystery & the danger.”
The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Monday, June 11th, 1962 = Marilyn calls Darryl F. Zanuck, another Fox heavyweight, who’s been sidelined in Europe filming “The Longest Hour.” He’s furious with the decision to fire her, & makes secret plans with Spyros to buy back more Fox shares, & re-take over the company. When this happens, he promises to re-install Marilyn in “Something’s Got to Give.”
Wednesday, June 13th, 1962 = Hearing of her dismissal, Joe Dimaggio (her former husband) flies back from Europe immediately, hoping to console Marilyn, & possibly reconcile. Their obstacles had always been her career & his jealousies; he thought these might be behind them now. But when he met her, he found her more determined than ever to pursue her career. According to his son’s fiancee Pamela, they had a “bitter row” about her career ~ but also about the Kennedy’s. That was the last argument they would ever have.
Years later, after her death (which many say he never got over), Joe Dimaggio was quoted as saying:
“The whole lot of Kennedys were lady-killers, & they always got away with it. They’ll be getting away with it a hundred years from now.”
June 20 – July 15th, 1962 = Marilyn launches a MASSIVE media campaign of her own, to combat Fox’s negative press. She meets with leading columnists, gives interviews non-stop, & completes photo sessions with Cosmopolitan, Life, Redbook, & Vogue. She also dictates 104 telegrams to the cast & crew of “Something’s Got to Give,” expressing her sadness about the studio’s decision to shut down filming. Clearly, she was a woman on a mission.

Marilyn Monroe, shot for Cosmopolitan magazine by George Barris, shortly before her death, in July 1962. During this session, she told Barris, “As far as I’m concerned, the happiest time is NOW. There’s a future, & I can’t wait to get to it!”
The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Saturday, June 23rd, 1962 = Bobby Kennedy flies to Los Angeles. Bobby & Marilyn are both invited to a dinner party at Lawford’s beach house. According to Patricia Lawford, the purpose for Bobby’s visit was to stop Marilyn from contacting the President. She had abandoned her code name, & was openly trying to reach him now ~ both at the White House, & at Hyannisport. In order to save her career, he tells her that she needs to cooperate & stay quiet.

Some of the “Rat Pack,” including Peter Lawford, Frank Sinatra, & Marilyn Monroe, at Lawford’s beach house in Santa Monica (minutes from Marilyn’s home on Fifth Helena).
Sunday, June 24th, 1962 = Bobby Kennedy visits Marilyn at her home, at Fifth Helena in Brentwood. Her housekeeper, Mrs. Murray, says Marilyn showed him around, but didn’t seem too enthusiastic about his visit.
Monday, June 25th, 1962 = Fox records show that Bobby Kennedy called Judge Rosenman (Chairman of Fox), telling him to re-negotiate Monroe’s contract, & asking her to return to “Something’s Got to Give.” This was just 16 days after her dismissal. (What exactly did her & Bobby discuss that weekend, that seemed to lead to this re-instatement? Did she promise that she’d never contact JFK again?)
Thursday, June 28th, 1962 = Marilyn meets with Fox studio head Peter Levathes at her home, to discuss contract terms. He found her to be “an astute businesswoman in many ways, & very rational.” The renegotiated deal: $500,000 for “Something’s Got to Give,” plus a bonus if completed on time, & another $500,000 for a new musical called “What a Way to Go.” It was a stunning victory for her.

The original “dumb blonde,” had just re-negotiated her own contract with Fox for $1 million. Perhaps she was not as dumb as everyone thought.
July 4th, 1962 = The Lawfords host a 4th of July celebration at their beach house; both Bobby Kennedy & Marilyn attend. They are seen walking on the beach together, apparently friends again. “Something’s Got to Give” is scheduled to begin filming later in July.
Also in July 1962 = The Cuban Missile Crisis is going on; U.S. surveillance has captured photographs of long-range missiles in Cuba. At the same time, J. Edgar Hoover receives a confidential document from his FBI office in Mexico City, informing him of Marilyn’s friendship with a suspected Soviet agent living in Mexico City: Frederick Vanderbilt Field (she had visited Mexico City in February 1962). At this critical juncture in the Cold War, Monroe’s relationship with the Kennedy brothers (& the confidential knowledge they may have given her), combined with her association with Communists, prove deeply concerning to the FBI. Monroe may have, unwittingly, provided Communists with top secret information regarding the situation in Cuba.
Marilyn’s rancor at this time with the Kennedy’s, her unparalleled access to the press (& their adoration of her), combined with her increasing drug use & mental instability ~ created a potent cocktail: she could have done or said just about anything.

Just one month before her death, the U.S. was embroiled in the Cuban Missile Crisis, & the FBI had discovered that Marilyn may have revealed sensitive information to Communists about the Crisis (which was later revealed in de-classified CIA documents).
The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Mid-July, 1962 = Hoover meets with Bobby Kennedy, upon his return to Washington. Though their exact conversation is unknown, the following day, Bobby cuts off all contact with Marilyn.
July 17th, 1962 = Marilyn tries to reach the Attorney General, Bobby Kennedy, numerous times ~ but can’t. She is blindsided, & extremely angry. Telephone records indicate that she tried to call Bobby at least 8 times during the month of July. She also tries to reach him at home, which Patricia Lawford says “infuriated him.”
From early July – August 4th, 1962 = Marilyn is recorded to have seen her psychiatrist, Dr. Greenson, 27 out of 35 days, & her physician, Dr. Hyman Engelberg, 13 days. On several visits, she receives injections. (Note: From an outsider’s perspective, this seems highly irregular, particularly since the drugs they were administering are no longer used today, as they are far too strong for regular usage). Greenson, a Communist sympathizer, & important figure in several L.A.-based Communist organizations, learns of Monroe’s estrangement with the Kennedy’s. Engelberg’s ex-wife, Esther Maltz, said of their relationship, “Hy kept Marilyn sedated for Dr. Greenson.”
My question: why did Greenson want (or need her to be) sedated?

Dr. Hyman Engelberg, Marilyn’s physician.
Late July, 1962 = Marilyn allegedly takes a drive with longtime friend, Robert Slatzer (who has been villainized & often discredited by Kennedy supporters). He says that she was “totally outraged that they had both (the Kennedy’s) cut her off overnight.” She showed him numerous, handwritten notes from Bobby Kennedy, on Justice Dept. stationery, as well as her little “red diary” (that many have said doesn’t exist). In it, were notes on conversations with the Kennedy brothers about the Bay of Pigs, Castro (& the potential assassination of), the Mafia, & Jimmy Hoffa. She took notes because she wanted to “stay informed” for both brothers.
But now, she was angry, & told Slatzer that she just may “hold a press conference ~ I’ve certainly got a lot to say!” Marilyn knew intimately of JFK’s indiscretions. She had documents indicating the Kennedys’ involvement with Mafia head honcho, Sam Giancana (also friends with Frank Sinatra). And it was also clear that both Kennedys had spoken with her about national security matters. Potentially, this could be a HUGE liability.

Robert Slatzer, a former journalist, was often discredited, & said to have embellished his relationship with Marilyn ~ that they weren’t in fact that close. I include his testimony because it has never changed over the years: but even without it, the facts still point in one direction..
Wednesday, July 25th, 1962 = Darryl Zanuck wins his board room battle against Rosenman & the other two “Wall Street barracudas.” This is also a victory for Marilyn: the Kennedys can no longer control her by ruining her career. Zanuck reinstates her with an unprecedented million-dollar contract. She WON.

Darryl Zanuck & Marilyn Monroe. He may not have liked her very well, but in his own words, he “respected the money she brought into the box office.”
The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Weekend of July 28-29th, 1962 (the last weekend of Monroe’s life) = Frank Sinatra invites Marilyn to fly up to his resort, the Cal-Neva Lodge ~ to discuss their next picture together: “What a Way to Go.” But that was NOT his real intent. Marilyn didn’t want to go that weekend, but Frank convinced her. She later told Ralph Roberts, her masseuse, that it was ” a nightmare, a dreadful weekend.” Also present were Mafia bosses, Sam Giancana (Frank’s business partner in the Lodge) & Paul “Skinny” D’Amato.
Skinny later said, “There was more to what happened [that weekend] than anyone has told. It would have been the big fall for Bobby Kennedy, wouldn’t it?”

Chicago Mafia head man, Sam Giancana. He co-owned the Cal-Neva Lodge with Frank Sinatra, & was later wire-tapped & heard discussing what “really” happened that weekend at Cal-Neva.
Several sources confirmed that it was a dark & extremely disturbing weekend: Monroe was given pills, there were “sex parties” ~ many of which seemed to occur while Marilyn was unconscious; & photos were taken of her in extremely compromising positions, while drugged. Over the weekend, it’s said that she was threatened to “keep silent” about her connection with the Kennedy brothers. This really seemed to be the main intent behind the weekend, with photos being taken for potential blackmail.
Photographer Bobby Woodfield (the same photographer who shot Marilyn’s pool scene stills), later saw some of these photographs, while developing film for Frank Sinatra. He said that it appeared Sam Giancana was having sex with Marilyn, who was on all fours, & that she did not look well in the photos. They were extremely disturbing pictures, obviously taken under coercion, & Woodfield advised Frank to “burn them.”

Billy Woodfield took many iconic photos of both Frank Sinatra & Marilyn Monroe, including this shot of Sinatra.
Joe Dimaggio, having heard that Marilyn was at Cal-Neva that weekend, tried to check into the Lodge ~ but Sinatra wouldn’t let him. Joe stayed nearby, & tried (unsuccessfully) to reach Marilyn. After that weekend, Dimaggio never spoke to Sinatra again, & refused him entrance to Marilyn’s funeral.

Cal-Neva Lodge, owned by Frank Sinatra & known mobster, Sam Giancana, was a well-known Rat Pack haven.
Sunday, July 29th, 1962 = Marilyn flies back to Los Angeles from Cal-Neva with Peter Lawford & Barbara Lieto, the widow of Sinatra’s pilot; Marilyn appeared to be heavily drugged or intoxicated. They land in L.A. well after midnight. On the way home, Lawford stops at a pay phone (it’s learned later that his house has been bugged ~ but he probably already knew that at this time). He’s on the phone for about twenty minutes.
White House telephone records show an 18-minute call from Lawford on July 30th at 5:40AM (PST), or 8:40AM (EST).
What did Lawford discuss with the President, just one week before Marilyn’s death ~ & why did he feel the need to discuss it on a pay phone?
Final Week of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Monday, July 30th, 1962 = Marilyn places an 8-minute phone call to the Justice Department, the day she returns from Cal-Neva. No one knows what was said during this call (except perhaps, J. Edgar Hoover), but if her behavior following is any indication: she was no shrinking violet.
Week of July 30th = Marilyn enters a whirlwind of discussions about new projects, fresh off her landmark victory with Fox. She speaks with Gene Kelly about a new musical. Plans are made for other movies. And perhaps most telling, she plans to attend the opening of the musical “Mr. President,” on the same night that JFK & Jackie will be attending (on September 25th, 1962). She orders another spectacular $6,000 dress to be made, especially for her. And she pumps her stylist, Mickey Song, for information about the Kennedy’s. He doesn’t want to get involved, he says, & stays quiet.
Later, after Marilyn’s death, Song sees Bobby Kennedy, who congratulates him for “defending the Kennedys.” He’d heard their discussion on a tape recording.

The week before her death, Marilyn discusses a new film with Gene Kelly (pictured), & orders a $6,000 dress for the premiere of the musical, “Mr. President.”
Thursday, August 2, 1962 = Marilyn visits the nursery for four hours, deciding which trees & plants she wants for her new garden. Dr. Greenson sees her twice that day: once at his office, once at her home. That night, she’s invited to the Lawford beach house, & Lawford’s friend Dick Livingston said she came in with champagne, wearing the “damnedest little outfit.”
Friday, August 3rd, 1962 = Bobby & Ethel Kennedy fly to San Francisco with their children. The lead item in that day’s New York Journal-American, by columnist Dorothy Kilgallen, was of Marilyn’s being the “talk of the town” again. The piece hinted at her involvement with a handsome gentleman who’s an even “bigger name than Joe Dimaggio in his heyday.” Just two days prior, Kilgallen had called the Justice Department asking for Robert Kennedy, to confirm rumors of their affair. She had received intel from a source “close to the star.” That week, Marilyn was also featured on the cover of both Life & Paris-Match ~ she seemed to be everywhere, looking radiant.

Marilyn was all over the press in the months before her death ~ & then again, after.
Also on Friday, August 3rd, 1962 = Marilyn tries to call Bobby several times at his hotel in San Francisco: the St. Francis. She can’t reach him, because Kennedy & his family are actually staying with family friends 60 miles south, near Gilroy, at the Bates Ranch. Also that week, Marilyn was starting to clean house: she’d kicked out her drama coach, Paula Strasberg, sending her back to New York. She’d also told Robert Slatzer that she was planning to get rid of her publicist, Pat Newcomb (Kennedy loyalist & close friend), as well as Dr. Greenson. She was also planning to let go of housekeeper Mrs. Murray, who she felt had been placed in her home by Dr. Greenson to spy on her.
(**These assertions are also confirmed by Marilyn’s handyman Norman Jeffries, who was present during the last 24 hours of her life ~ which will be covered in the next post.)
Evening of Friday, August 3rd, 1962 = Lawford & Newcomb take Marilyn out to dinner at La Scala in Beverly Hills, one of her favorite restaurants. Patron & costume designer, Billy Travilla, who knew Marilyn, says that she appeared “drugged or intoxicated,” & didn’t recognize him. When they return home, Newcomb & Monroe allegedly get into an argument, & she tries to reach Bobby Kennedy again at the St. Francis.

On the night before her death, Marilyn dined at one of her favorite restaurants: La Scala.
The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life
Thanks for reading, “The Last Months of Marilyn Monroe’s Life,” & stay tuned for the next post, Part 3 in this series: where we’ll dig into the day of Marilyn’s death. NOT the fake story that was first told to the police ~ but the REAL story that came out, years later…
xoxo Noelia
Read Next: What Really Happened the Day Marilyn Monroe Died?
Help! I’ve read the first two installments of your Marilyn Monroe series, but can’t find the last two?! What you’ve dug up here is the best I’ve read on the subject, and I’m very anxious to see what happens on the day of her death and after. Thank you!!
Hi Sandra! Thanks for your comment/question : ) I just posted the third installment, called “What Really Happened the Day Marilyn Monroe Died?” on my site ~ so you should be able to find it on my home page, or by typing “Marilyn Monroe” into my “Search” bar. The 4th installment is not out yet, but should be in a few weeks! xoxo Noelia
I have read everything I can find on MM, what information do you have that is so different than what is already out there
Hi Karen, thanks for your comment. For someone, like yourself, who is very well-versed in the “Marilyn Monroe Murder/Suicide Theories,” there is probably NO new information in this series of articles. Their purpose is to create a FREE, online timeline of the events leading up to her death ~ & it is probably most useful for people who are unfamiliar with many of the more mysterious details surrounding her death.
Thanks, yes I always knew that someone had a hand in her death. But you know here publicist is still alive and it was rumored that she knew more than she let on. Have you tried to interview her?
Patricia Newcomb is 90 years old this year, & is one of the only remaining people alive (if not the only) who was actually there that night. I have not tried to interview her, & she has been pretty reticent over the years to discuss that night. In my opinion, her allegiance to the Kennedys has prevented her from ever telling the full truth of what happened the night Marilyn died.
Hi, where is the August 4 information? THanks
If you type “Marilyn Monroe” into my “Search” bar, all 4 articles I’ve written will come up. The article that details events on the day of her death is entitled, “What Really Happened the Day Marilyn Monroe Died?”
Yes I always thought Patricia knew more than what she was letting on and everyone knew that she ended up with a job in the Kennedy Adm and was MIA in Europe for a couple of months after MM death. MM needed a real friend to protect and watch over her and she had none. Those men took advantage of her and she thought Frank Sinatra was her friend and he was just as ruthless as the rest of them. I always thought there was something about Frank Sinatra that was fishy and he was certainly in bed with the devil or the mob. Of course he was from my Grandparents and parents era and I was never a fan, but acknowledge his talent.
Agreed. I admire Sinatra’s talent, but many things in his personal life seemed to be quite unsavory ~ not least of which were his involvement with the mob & his treatment of women.
Also I was wondering where are the tape recordings from Sam Giancana’s camp, the FBI and Mr. Otash. Where are these recordings and are they available to be listened to.
I wish! Mr. Otash was also interviewed in several of the documentaries I watched (he is the original, old-school, Hollywood private eye), & if I’m remembering correctly, he stored the tapes in a private storage unit, but the unit was ransacked & the files *magically* disappeared, so he no longer has them. He did let a few people listen to them, however, & their testimony is also in these documentaries. The theft of the tapes is yet one more thing that simply screams “cover-up,” & by people who were very well-connected.
What hospital she visited August 1962, And July 1957?
If you’re asking what hospitals she visited at those times, I would have to go back & research it ~ I don’t recall off the top of my head.
So I have only been researching Marilyns death for a couple days, but I have been busy digging. Turns out A newspaper in New Zealand was able to get access to the FBI files implicating Robert Kennedy, confirming he had an affair, confirming he promised to leave his wife for Marilyn, and goes on to implicate her doctor Dr. Ralph Greenson, Peter Lawford, Patricia Newcomb and “staff” (housekeeper and groundskeeper) Eunice Murray and son in law Norman Jefferies in the murder or Marilyn.
In March of 2017 the Sydney Morning Herald published the following:
“FBI file links Kennedy to Monroe’s death
March 17, 2007 — 11.00am
BOBBY KENNEDY’S affair with the screen idol Marilyn Monroe has been documented, but a secret FBI file suggests the late US attorney-general was aware of – and perhaps even a participant in – a plan “to induce” her suicide.
The detailed three-page report implicates the Hollywood actor Peter Lawford, Monroe’s psychiatrist, staff and her publicist in the plot.
The allegations suggest the 36-year-old actress, who had a history of staging attention-seeking suicide attempts, was deliberately given the means to fake another suicide on August 4, 1962. But this time, it is suggested, she was allowed to die as she sought help. (cont)”
Here’s the article:
I checked the FBI archives and was able to locate the document(s) in question. They are available under Marilyn Monroe>Marilyn Monroe Pt2. Of particular interest are pages 19 thru 21, which includes the following, on page 19;
“On the date of her death her housekeeper put the bottle of pills on the night table. It is reported the housekeeper and Marilyn’s personal secretary and press agent, Pat Newcomb, were cooperating in the plan to induce suicide. Pat Newcomb was rewarded for her cooperation by being put on the Federal Payroll as top appointment to George Stevens Jr., head of the Motion Pictures Activities Division of the U.S. Information Services.”
On page 20 it also states, that after flying back north to San Francisco, “Robert Kennedy made a telephone call out from St. Charles Hotel, San Francisco, to Peter Lawford to find out if Marilyn was dead yet.”
The documents also detail how Marilyn was in the process of publishing a tell all book that would implicate RFK and ruin his future presidential aspirations.
Link to FBI file:
Thank you for including links to these articles, Marcus! I recently became aware of the FBI documents after watching a documentary on Amazon; they pretty much spell out & corroborate most of what we know ~ but there are some additional, interesting details: like that phone call from Bobby Kennedy to Lawford once he got back to SF, to verify that she was dead.
Hi! Could you please tell me where you got info for the June 13, 1962 entry on Pamela talking about a bad row between MM and Joe Dimaggio? I can’t find a reference anywhere. Thanks!
Hi Dori, thanks for your question! So I wrote this article quite some time ago ~ but most of my references came from the book, “The Last Days of Marilyn Monroe.” I suspect that specific entry came from that book. Hope that helps! xoxo Noelle
Thanks for reply. I checked the Wolfe book but “Pamela” is never mentioned. Any other ideas? Appreciate your help as I can’t find this anywhere….
Hi Dori ~ I also watched several documentaries prior to writing, most of which are available on YouTube, & which provided first-hand accounts of people who were “on the scene then,” so to speak. That information might have come from one of those. Are you doing research for a podcast or book..?
Hi Noelle, I just found the reference in Wolfe’s book. What had happened was I ran a scan online but didn’t realize it was only PART OF HIS TEXT. I just went to the book and found it. Thank you so much for your help.
I’ve done so much reading and research and may write but haven’t decided yet. So much of the published books are garbage. I have also found a lot of mistakes so….
maybe if I get REALLY MOTIVATED I’ll start a book.
Your referencing that particular quote helped clear up something I had seen in Ralph Roberts’ MIMOSA. I think the June 13th FIGHT with Joe Di is mentioned only as a disagreement they had in the end but with no specific date (in Roberts’ book).
Thanks again for responding … a potential chapter may have just fallen into place!!
Regards, Dori T.
Hi Dori, I really appreciate your detailed comments & analysis. There is something about this subject that really makes people want to get to the bottom of things! If you have ANY desire to write a book: I would HIGHLY, highly recommend you do so ~ even if it’s simply scratching an itch for yourself. You seem to have a lot of knowledge on Marilyn, & would bring a lot of care & ACCURACY to the topic of her life & death (which is sadly missing in many accounts of her life, including the recent movie with Ana de Armas ~ which I found to be rather a horror show).
Glad I could help with any clarification on the Joe D. fight/disagreement. Even though he was one of the “better” guys in her life, he was not without fault, & there is certainly much documentation that they had a very tumultuous relationship. Good luck in your endeavors!! ~ Noelle