Monday Travel Workout for Booty!

Monday means…a fresh start!  You can turn this week into anything you want it to be.  Soooo…..get out your planner & schedule your workouts ~ this is your time for YOU!!  And to kick things off, we’ve got our Monday travel workout for booty ~ with some cardio thrown in!

So let’s get started!  Helloooooo Monday!!  We’re gonna start our week by getting our hearts pumping ~ with CARDIO, of course!  (Hence, cardio-vascular : )  I’m showing you one of my favorite online cardio routines that I’ve literally done in hotel rooms all around the world!  But you can certainly go for a 30-minute run or walk….just GET MOVING!!  Then it’s time to Work.  Dat.  Booty.

Monday Travel Workout for Booty!

Monday’s “Travel Workout for Booty” has 3 quick parts: 1) Tone it Up HIIT Training, to warm us up & get in a quick, 15-minute cardio routine, 2) Tone it Up’s “Mali-BOOTY Workout,” & 3) Tone it Up’s “Lift & Tone Booty.”  At the end of the routine, I’m including a **Bonus Meditation by Boho Beautiful, for those who wish to meditate.

Total Workout Time = 35 minutes (45 minutes with meditation)

1) Slay with K&K!

Have fun on the beach with this quick, down-and-dirty cardio routine with the Tone it Up girls!

2) Tone it Up ~ Mali-BOOTY!

For the first move here, a dead-lift, she uses weights ~ after that, the routine is completely weight-free.  In particular, the section when she’s on all fours is a killer….it hurts SO GOOD!!  Enjoy working that booty!

3) Tone it Up ~ Lift & Tone Booty!

More BOOTY here!!  This routine is a little different, because while you’re doing it, you may notice that you’re working your lower back in addition to your booty.  I especially love doing this routine after a long day of travel, or when my back is aching from sitting too much ~ this routine is the antidote to that!


**Being Present Meditation by Boho Beautiful**

Even if you’ve never meditated, this 10-minute guided meditation set in front of a beautiful waterfall, is easy to complete.  Mondays set the tone for your week ~ so set the tone for a more peaceful week.  Meditate whenever & wherever you want.  Pick the time & place that work best for you, whenever you’re without distractions.

And That’s It!

Your Monday Workout is finis ~ finito ~ finished!!  How do you feel??  Calmer?  More energized?  Exhausted??!  Haha ~ the good news is, you’ll sleep great tonight!  How about the mediation ~ did you give it a try?  Were you able to settle in & enjoy it….or was your mind wandering?!?  Let me know in the comments below!

Read Next: Tuesday’s Travel Workout ~ Abs & Yoga!

xoxo Noelia