Best B Vitamins for People with MTHFR
This post is meant for a very specific group of people (which may include you…without even realizing it). Several years ago, I tested positive for a genetic mutation in my MTHFR genes; these are genes responsible for methylation. I describe methylation in detail below, but essentially, when your body is doing it properly ~ it means all the systems in your body are working together, optimally. The best supplements for supporting methylation are undoubtedly high-quality B Vitamins. In this article, we’ll discuss the “Best B Vitamins for People with MTHFR,” ones I’ve used myself with great success for many years, that have dramatically increased my energy levels.
What is Methylation?
A simple way of explaining methylation is that it allows the gears in your body to turn smoothly. It affects MULTIPLE processes, such as DNA & neurotransmitter production, fat metabolism, eye & liver health, & detoxification. Folate, or 5-MTHF, is critical for turning on ONE important switch in your body ~ without which, a number of important molecules cannot be created.
For people with an MTHFR mutation, or deficiency, it’s almost certain that optimal methylation is NOT being achieved. In this case, proper supplements can make a huge difference to reach optimal health.
How Can I Test for MTHFR?
If you want to test for an MTHFR mutation, your doctor will need to order a genetic test, which is typically a simple blood test. This is not a typical test; the only reason my doctor ordered it was to determine possible causes for adrenal issues; a lack of B vitamins can contribute to adrenal fatigue. Genetic testing can be expensive, but many insurance companies are now covering it.
It’s also possible to have a genetic test performed independently, by MTHFR Doctors ($129). It involves a simple, cheek swab test ~ no needles necessary. The main problem with this route is that you’ll need to have someone analyze your results. In my opinion, it’s better to seek guidance from a physician, who’ll be able to look at the big picture ~ as MTHFR is merely one factor in what could be potentially be several issues impacting optimal health.
Essential Nutrients for Methylation
There are seven specific nutrients that help the methylation cycle achieve optimal performance, even if an individual has a genetic mutation that slows down or hinders the methylation cycle. An MTHFR mutation can be inherited from one or both parents.
- 5-MTHF (active folate)
- Methylcobalamin (active vitamin B12)
- Pyridoxal 5’-Phosphate (active vitamin B6)
- Riboflavin 5’-Phosphate (active vitamin B2)
- Magnesium
- Betaine (also known as trimethylglycine)
- Vitamin D
For a more extensive article on the “why” behind taking B Vitamins, & how they can be used to give you more energy: read this article.
What’s Wrong with “Regular” B Vitamins?
The problem with “regular” B vitamins is that they use cheaper, synthetic versions of B ~ like riboflavin (the cheap kind that’s in many cereals) & folic acid. If you have MTHFR, both riboflavin & folic acid can be toxic to your body; your body doesn’t know what to do with them, & doesn’t know how to convert them into usable energy.
After I got the results of my genetic test, my doctor went through all my supplements ~ to make sure I wasn’t taking ANY of the cheaper forms of Vitamin B anymore.
Side-by-Side Comparison
Just so you know how different methylated Vitamin B is from a “regular” brand ~ here’s a side-by-side comparison. Below on the left, are the ingredients in Nature Made’s Super B Energy Complex. We’ll compare & contrast that with the brand I use, which is Pure Therapeutics Pharmaceutical Grade Methyl B.
- Vitamin B-2 = 1.7 mg (100% DV) of Riboflavin in Nature Made, vs. 25 mg (1,470%) of active Riboflavin-5′-Phosphate-Sodium in Pure Therapeuticals.
- Vitamin B-6 = 2mg (100% DV) of Vit. B-6 as Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, vs. 15 mg (750%) of Vit. B-6 (as Pyridoxal-5′-Phosphate).
- Vitamin B-9 = 400 mcg (100% DV) of Folic Acid, vs. 2,000 mcg (500% DV) of Folate (as Methylfolate & Quatrefolic)
- Vitamin B-12 = 6 mcg (100% DV) of Cyanocobalamin, vs. 1,000 mcg of Adenosylcobalamin & Methylcobalamin
Pure Therapeuticals is like B Vitamin on steroids. Not only is the quantity of ingredients greater, but the quality is better & more available to the body, to be used & converted into energy. And perhaps the most potent ingredient is methylated B-12 ~ many people receive this as a shot from their doctor, & often notice a difference in their energy levels almost immediately.
Best B Vitamins for People with MTHFR
The supplements shown below are ones I personally use, & ideal for people with MTHFR gene mutations.
1) Pure’s Vitamin B-complex, which I’ve already discussed; & 2) Adrenal Assist ~ which not only has B vitamins, but magnesium, Vitamin C, & a host of adaptogens like Ashwaghanda, Rhodiola, & Holy Basil. This formula is excellent for those with adrenal issues or adrenal fatigue, as adaptogens adapt to your body, giving you precisely the support you need. When I use Adrenal Assist, I feel an almost immediate “boost” of energy, yet with none of the jitters I associate with having excess caffeine.
Best B Vitamins for People with MTHFR
Other supplements that will assist your body with methylation & overall immunity are magnesium & the all-important Vitamin D; my preferred (& most bio-available) formulas can be found below.
Please Note: This article documents what has worked for me, as someone with a moderate MTHFR mutation. If you are concerned about switching supplements or have questions, please consult your doctor before trying any new supplements.
xoxo Noelia
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HI, I just stumbled across your site and was intrigued to read your story. Thank you for posting. I too was diagnosed with 2 copies of the MTHFR gene mutation about 10 years ago. Some of your information shed brand new light on supplements. I’ve been using the Jarrow brand all this time and my labs have been fairly stable until recently, with my B12 and folate levels within normal limits but my Homocysteine elevated. So I decided to look into perhaps a better brand. Thank you again for your sharing your experience. I will look into Pure and Thorne further. I did start out with them many years ago but due to cost, have gone through Amazon.
Hi Alice, thanks so much for your comment. Jarrow is a good brand, & I like their probiotics ~ but I’ve never been as impressed with their B vitamins. I’ve tried to go with “less expensive” brands over the years, but I always come back to the higher-quality products. The difference is really noticeable. Glad the article helped! xoxo Noelle
My son and daughter inherited the MTHFR gene mutation from both parents. My son has Major Depressive Disorder; my daughter is developmentally delayed. The doctor suggested Country Life CoEnzyme B Complex, four capsules per day. What do you think? Happy trails, Kate
Hi Kate, thanks for your question. I looked up the ingredients of the Country Life B-Complex, & it seems to be right in line with my B Vitamins from Pure, in terms of both quantity & quality of ingredients. I would definitely take your doctor’s advice: but the most important thing is, to DOCUMENT how the kids feel/any changes they notice, while they’re taking Country Life. The most important thing is, do these B Vitamins work for THEM? If you’re not noticing a significant improvement in symptoms, you may want to switch it up to a different B Vitamin ~ but I think these should work well for them. Let me know how it goes! xoxo Noelia
It’s possible my son is dealing with this, but I won’t know until we do the genetic testing. I was looking at your list of vitamins, and had a quick question. I see two different Methyl-B vitamins, and I don’t see your recommended Magnesium. Maybe it’s how my page is loading, but which brand of each of these do you prefer?
Hi Sarah, thanks so much for your question. The brand I go back to over & over is Pure Therapeutics ~ though they recently changed their packaging to “Pure Therapror.” I love their “Methyl B Complete” product (the one that is linked in this article), but have also recently tried their “Methyl Multi w/o Iron” ~ which has similar levels of B Vitamins, with the addition of a bunch of other vitamins as well (selenium, zinc, etc.). I really love both products. Hope that helps! xoxo
Thanks so much!
You’re welcome ~ glad to help!
Hi Noelle,
Thank you for this information – i am just wondering if you could confirm how many of each supplement you take and at what times of day you take them. Do you take as per instructions on the bottle or do you take different quantities that you have found work better. I am going to buy all 3 of the suggested supplements that you mention, i just want to make sure i am taking them correctly for best chance of a great outcome. Thanks so much, Sarah D 🙂
Hi Sarah, thanks so much for your question. I take “Methyl B Complete” when I first wake up, ONE pill, between 7-8AM ~ right around the time I have my morning coffee. It’s the first (& probably most important) supplement I take; I really never miss it. I then take ANOTHER “Methyl B Complete” around 10:30AM; this seems to work better for me to space them out, & not take them together. My doctor recommended taking both B Vitamins before noon, but this was specifically related to my cortisol levels, & needing to raise them in the morning: it could be different for you. Next up is Vitamin D; during the pandemic, I’ve upped my dose to 2 capsules (the formula recommended here is the one I use, & the pills are TEENY, very easy to swallow), which equates to 10,000 IU per day. I take these 2 pills right after my first Vitamin B pill, around 7:30AM. My current Vitamin D level is around 100, which is HIGH, but my doctor said is fantastic. Magnesium is the pill I don’t take as often (I sometimes forget), & with that, I simply follow the recommendation on the bottle. My doctor recommends taking it at night, as magnesium can also help with sleep. Another welcome side effect of magnesium is that it helps you go to the bathroom (with me, it’s almost instant)! Hope that helps : ) xoxox Noelia
Hello Noelle. Are you saying vitamin B helps to raise cortisol levels? Mine is low in the morning too.
Hi Yvonne, thanks for your question. Yes, B Vitamins can help raise cortisol levels; they have with me. They feed the adrenal gland (adrenal = adrenaline/energy), & as a consequence, can raise cortisol levels, bringing more alertness & clarity. This is also why I don’t take them in the afternoon, as my cortisol levels were already in the “Normal” range at that time. Hope that helps! ~ Noelle
Hi Sarah. I was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. My cortisol is low and I take desmopressin and 5 mg of hydrocortisone 3 times a day. I also take vitamin b complex called ultra b complex with PQQ by pure. I still feel exhausted and fight to stay awake at work. Do you have any suggestions for what could help me? Thank you.
Hi Yvonne, I think this question is beyond my pay-grade! The only thing I’m dealing with personally is a slight mutation in the MTHFR gene; what you’re dealing with sounds much more complex. If regular Western medicine hasn’t been able to get to the root of the problem, I would seek out either a naturopath, acupuncturist, or both. They may be better able to help you. Wishing you much luck in solving this problem!! xoxo Noelle
Yes Noelle it really helps, thank you. I have low cortisol level in mornings (because of diabetes insipidus). I take one Country Life Coenzyme B-Complex every morning. I see you take two. I see the bottle says take two which I just assumed it was one. I will take two in the morning and see if it helps. Thank you very much.
Of course! Let me know how it goes for you. Another thought: if you don’t feel any positive effects from the Country Life, consider switching to a different methylated B formula. I’ve tried several over the years, & not all have the dramatic effect that Pure does for me. Just a thought : )
Okay, I will. I will write back with results. Thank you so very much for your kindness. Blessings to you.
Hi Noel..I am in search for a methylated vitamins. I see the Pure Therapeutics has 750% of DV for Vit B6. Isn’t that taking too much B6, i read somewhere that it can be toxic if too much is taken, is it true? Just wondering, before i purchase.
Hi Lyne, that’s a great question. So keep in mind: it’s 750% above the FDA’s recommendation for B6, which most functional medicine doctors believe is the BARE minimum. Also, excess amounts of any B vitamin are going to be excreted through urine; but the upper limit for daily consumption of B6 for adults is 100mg, which puts this well under that. I’ve been taking these supplements for years, & get bloodwork done twice a year: my B levels are always within the normal range (not too high). Hope that helps! But talk to your doc if you have any concerns.