All the Outdoor Gear You Need this Summer!

Summer 2021 is gearing up to be the summer of adventure.  Of the great outdoors.  Of camping under the stars.  Of getting in the RV & taking off.  Of hitting those Utah National Parks that have been on your bucket list forever….but that you just haven’t been to yet.  If I think back on my fondest summer memories, almost all of them involve two ingredients: beautiful outdoor places + some kind of adventure ~ like hiking, paddle-boarding, roller-blading, or kayaking some of the gorgeous lakes in Oregon.  Here’s all the outdoor gear you need this summer to feel like a kid again, & bring smiles to you & your loved ones. 

All the Outdoor Gear You Need this Summer, Girl Who Travels the World

Some of my best summer memories come from paddle-boarding with friends all around Lake Oswego & Portland!

Kayaks, Paddleboards, & Skis….Oh MY!

I just bought this two-person, inflatable yellow kayak from Amazon & ohhh boyyy am I excited to take my puppy out on the water with me this Memorial Day weekend!  In Bend, we’ve got the Deschutes River to kayak on, as well as umpteen lakes up on the Cascade Lakes Highway.  Inflatable paddle boards & kayaks are the way to go; all you have to do is give them a quick 5-minute pump & you’re good to go.  Even back when I had an SUV ~ I still couldn’t fit my 10-foot long paddle board in my car!  It was a total pain in the butt.  Inflatables give you more flexibility, & it’s also easier to store them in the off-season.

Outdoor Gear You Need this Summer, Top Five Lakes by Bend, Oregon, Girl Who Travels the World, Hosmer Lake

Two-person kayaks are the way to GO!! Either put your dog in front, your kid, your spouse….whoever fits!

Outdoor Gear & Inflatable Paddleboards You Need this Summer, Guide to a Perfect 3-Day Weekend in Bend, Oregon, Girl Who Travels the World

Something we love to do in Bend? Head out onto the Deschutes River with our paddle boards & listen to summer concerts at Les Schwab Amphitheater!

Ever tried water-skiing & it was just too hard to get up?  Or too hard for your kids to learn?  Check out the newest water skis that have a wider design (similar to the new design of snow skis)~ making them more stable, & thus, easier to get up on. 

Outdoor Gear Guide for Summer 2021, Girl Who Travels the World, Water Skis

Water skiing at the Tetons in Wyoming. Does life get much better?? (My friend Amanda is pictured : )

Outdoor Gear Guide for Summer 2021

 The great thing about mountain biking is that you can do it just about anywhere that’s got open space; even in hilly neighborhoods where your beach cruiser just won’t cut it.  My favorite places to mountain bike on the West Coast include: Lake Tahoe, Boulder, Colorado, Mammoth, & of course, my (new) hometown of Bend.  And if you’re road-tripping & need extra space, it’s pretty awesome to know that they have folding mountain bikes for less than $200.

Great Mountain Bikes on Amazon, Guide to a Perfect 3-Day Weekend in Bend, Oregon, Girl Who Travels the World, Phil's TrailMountain biking in Bend (pictured here at Phil’s Trail) is one of the most heart-pumping, adrenaline-filled, socially-distant activities I can think of for this summer!

RAFTING!!!  This is probably my favorite summertime activity to do with friends ~ whether it’s a heart-pounding white-water rafting trip in Maupin (one of Oregon’s primo whitewater spots), or even better….simply floating down the river in Bend on a two-person innertube.  If you’ve got a bunch of friends in town, try getting a Fun Island 4-person floatie!  You’ll have the time of your life.  All the tubes I’ve linked in this article have drink holders on them because let’s face it….they’re essential ; )

And don’t forget your waterproof Action Cam to capture all that fun on the water.

Outdoor Adventure Gear Guide 2021, Girl Who Travels the World, Rafting

Rafting trips have been some of the most EPIC memories of my life!! Whether floating lazily down the Deschutes in Bend or white-watering rafting in Maupin, ALL of it is Grade-A summer fun.

Outdoor Gear You NEED this Summer 2021, Girl Who Travels the World, Great Rafts on Amazon

This is what summer looks like in Bend; hundreds upon hundreds of people floating the river on EVERY kind of raft & innertube you can imagine! Swans & unicorns included : )

Surf Gear + Rollerblades….

Is this the summer you’re finally going to learn how to surf?  Komsurf has both long & short surfboards that are ideal for beginners & intermediates….kids & adults.  Or how long has it been since you strapped on a pair of roller blades?  I bought a pair last year, & though the first jaunt was a little shaky (it had been at least 10 years since I bladed!?), pretty soon I was rollerblading around the entire neighborhood ~ getting a hell of a butt & thigh workout.  Nothing will make you feel like a kid again so swiftly as heading out for a roller blade or skate…

All the Outdoor Gear You Need this Summer, Girl Who Travels the World

Make this the summer you learn how to surf…

Great Surfboards You Can Buy on Amazon, Ultimate Guide to Costa Rica Travel, Girl Who Travels the World, Santa Teresa

Surf camp in Costa Rica was an amazingly fun way to learn the sport…

Outdoor Camping Gear for Summer 2021

 Nothing celebrates the great outdoors quite like…..CAMPING!!  Dust off your gear, & see if, like me ~ your tent is missing parts….or poles??!!  If so, you made need to invest in a new tent (a good one can be had for around $100), If you’re traveling with your dog(s) & you’ll be paddling on lakes or rivers, consider picking up a doggie life jacket.  And if you’ll be doing a good deal of hiking, it may be time to invest in a new pair of Columbia hiking boots ~ just break them in before a big hike!  This two-liter, lightweight hydration backpack is a life-saver on those epic long hike days.

Great Camping Gear for Summer 2021, Girl Who Travels the World

Epic road trips, #VanLife, & heading out into the great outdoors will be THE theme for Summer 2021.

Outdoor Adventure Gear Guide for 2021, Girl Who Travels the World, Doggie Life Jacket

Every good dog needs a doggie life jacket when they’re out on the river!

Outdoor Adventure Gear Guide 2021

I remember trying to buy an innertube last summer….right in the middle of summer ~ I checked Amazon, Walmart, Dick’s, all the major sporting goods stores: THEY WERE ALL SOLD OUT!!!  Point is: get your gear now, before your favorite items sell out. 

Then go on & get outside! 

xoxo Noelia

Read Next: Guide to the Perfect 3-Day Weekend in Bend